
Welcome to SmallDailyTools

Unlock the power of online tools for everyday tasks. From word counters to BMI calculators to BMI calculators and more offers a collection of free and handy utilities to simplify your life.

Start exploring now!

Text Analysis Tools

Analyze and manipulate text with our comprehensive set of tools. Count words, characters, generate MD5 hashes, change text case, merge words, and reverse text.

Social Media Tools

Unleash the Power of Social Media: Discover Our Cutting-Edge Tools!

Code Optimization Tools

Optimize your code with a comprehensive set of tools. Minify HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, format HTML, validate and edit JSON, convert JSON to XML, and more.

Website Analysis Tools

Analyze and optimize your website with our comprehensive set of tools. Check link count, find broken links, generate XML sitemaps, and analyze Open Graph tags.

Conversion Tools

Perform various conversions with our comprehensive collection of tools. Convert units, calculate time, convert speed and length, convert text to binary and vice versa, calculate age and BMI, and more.

Network and IP Tools

Analyze your network and IP with our comprehensive set of tools. Find your screen resolution, encode and decode URLs, identify your browser, and discover your IP address.

File Manipulation Tools

Manipulate and work with files using our set of tools. Merge PDF files, lock PDF files, and more.

Image Conversion and Optimization Tools

Convert and optimize your images with our collection of tools. Convert PNG to JPG, JPG to PNG, compress JPG files, and more.